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Cacique Foods - Day 3
Venue address
Online Bidding
California, CA
United States
Cacique Foods - Day 3

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 04, 2023 12:00 PM ET
Ends from: Dec 08, 2023 12:00 PM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
There are 590 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
File Cabinets - Rigging Fee: $350
Chicago Brake, 52
Horizontal Metal Band Saw - Rigging Fee: $350
Dayton 7
Airmasters S/S Fan - Rigging Fee: $50
NEW Bug Zappers - Rigging Fee: $50
Plexiglass: 20’ x 56.5” - Rigging Fee: $50
Republic Metal Lathe, Model: Republic-16”-S - Rigging Fee: $1,750
Jet 6
Jet 6
ABC Electric 6
Lagun Republic Milling Machine, Model: FTV-2 - Rigging Fee: $850
Rubber Mats: 4’ x 3’ - Rigging Fee: $50
Arbor Press - Rigging Fee: $150
Phase II 2 Ton Arbor Press - Rigging Fee: $100
Palmgren 10
Starrett Granite Table, 6’ x 3’ x 10” - Rigging Fee: $450
S/S Drain Trough: 65” x 30” x 5
RIDGID 1.25” Capacity Pipe Bending Stand - Rigging Fee: $75
RIDGID 1/8” to 6
Pipe Stands, Floor Jacks and Safety Cones - Rigging Fee: $75
Aquatrol Poly Water Softener Tank - Rigging Fee: $75
Douglas Battery Charger with Stand - Rigging Fee: $150
ULINE Forklift Barrel Lift - Rigging Fee: $100
Dock Ramp - Rigging Fee: $50
50 LB Bags Morton Professional Water Softener Pellets - Rigging Fee: $75
Caldwell Lif-Truc Forklift Boom, Model: FB-40 - Rigging Fee: $100
JLG Scissor Lift, Model: 1932E2 - Rigging Fee: $400
Tri-Arc Portable Stairs - Rigging Fee: $100